Normalized Price Aligned by The Top of Each Cycle
(Prices start at 100, with block heights on the x-axis.)

Show cycle: Scale:

Info: The price evolution of Bitcoin for each halving cycle (210,000 blocks), aligned to begin at the last cycle's top and normalized to 100.
The price line for the last cycle is thicker than the others.
Usage: To zoom in, click and drag the mouse; to reset the zoom, double-click.

Normalized Price Aligned by The Top of Each Cycle
(Prices and dates have been normalized to match the values for the current cycle.)

Show cycle: Scale:

Info: The price evolution of Bitcoin for each halving cycle (210,000 blocks), aligned to begin at the last cycle's top and normalized to the current cycle prices and dates.
The price line for the last cycle is thicker than the others.
Usage: To zoom in, click and drag the mouse; to reset the zoom, double-click.