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Global Money Supply (M2)

Show: BTC: Scale: Halvings markers:

Info: The estimated global money supply (M2) is calculated as the USD value of the sum of the M2 figures from China, the US, the European Union, Japan, the UK, and Brazil.
Usage: You can select specific countries to display their individual M2 values. To zoom in, click and drag the mouse; to reset the zoom, double-click.

Money Supply (M2) in Local Currency

Show: BTC: Halvings markers:

Info: The money supply (M2) of each country as reported by its central bank in its own currency.
Usage: You can select which countries to show in the buttons below. To zoom in, click and drag the mouse; to reset the zoom, double-click.

YoY Percent Change in Global M2 Versus BTC Price

Show: BTC: Halvings markers:

Info: The year-over-year (YoY) percent change in the global money supply (M2) compared to the YoY percent change in the price of BTC.
Usage: You can select which countries to show in the buttons below. Individual countries M2 values are converted to USD. To zoom in, click and drag the mouse; to reset the zoom, double-click.